Saturday, December 4, 2010

On Vernier and Micrometer Calipers, Part 2

December 3, 2010; 8:30-11:30; NIP R108

We continued the activity that we started last week, which was the difficult task of measuring the length (L) and thickness (T) of 100 grains of rice with both vernier caliper and micrometer caliper. Picking up from last week, we finished measuring the L and T of 70 grains of rice with the vernier caliper, leaving us with 30 more grains of rice to be measured with the vernier caliper, and 100 grains of rice to be measured with the micrometer caliper.

Before starting with measuring, Sir Pacho distributed the handouts for the fourth activity, which was all about graphical analysis. To a certain extent, I am quite weak with the topic, most notably when I am analyzing x-t, v-t and a-t graphs. But this was not our main focus for the meeting, for we have yet to finish the third activity.

We decided to implement strategy with measuring the rice. Two of the three of us measured the rice with each of the vernier and micrometer calipers simultaneously while the third member recorded the measurements obtained. Then, we rotated posts so that we would be familiarized with handling both devices.

It was an arduous task, yet we were able to measure 105 grains of rice for the vernier and micrometer calipers. Thereby, I deemed this activity to be successful.

Sir Pacho then told us to coordinate with other groups and combine all of our measurements together so that the sample space would be greater.

After finishing the activity, I felt a deep sense of accomplishment. I learned not to give up just because a task seems to be quite laborous. I also learned that great coordination with your group mates is a vital factor to perform an activity with the least amount of time and effort.

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