Sunday, March 6, 2011

On the Special Project

March 4, 2011; 8:30-11:30; NIP R108

We were late this meeting, thereby our promise that we wouldn't be late this meeting was broken.

There were no experiments performed this meeting nor there was a discussion of some sort. Our primary goal this meeting was to think of an experiment that we would perform next week that would demonstrate our knowledge on the topics of 101.1.

It may seem easy at first, but, really, it's not. One of the most difficult things for me to do in a science class is to think of some novel idea/experiment. This problem is rooted back in HS wherein we were supposed to think of something like this every year. Seldom did I think of something immediately; I needed some assistance from my teacher when thinking of an experiment.

Here in 101.1, the experiment was to be performed as a group, therefore I would be accompanied by bright physicists that would possibly concoct something great in their minds. After incessant brainstorming, one group member suggested that we do an experiment on fluid dynamics- finding the density of an object by immersing it in an oil and water solution by pressure analysis.

It was really awesome that Sir Pacho accepted the idea because we were the last group that did not have an experiment yet.

I am really happy that no technical paper is needed next meeting, therefore it would be a sure thing that we wouldn't be late.

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